The 3-day weekend is so close we can taste it… or maybe that is the visions of family barbecues dancing in our heads! With Memorial Day weekend dedicated to honoring those whom have given their lives in service, this time of remembrance typically coincides with the unofficial start of summer. While we would like to pretend that summer is all about days by the pool, sleeping in from school and relaxing beach reads, this season is a critical time of risk & preparedness in California.
The last several years have posed a time of particular danger for our community and our first responders. Since 2020, more than 3.2 million acres have burned in California, with 90% of these started by humans. Drought conditions, hotter weather patterns, rapid population growth near wooded areas and overgrown forests are all contributing factors to the increasing wildfires we have seen in recent years. While Homes of Silicon Valley has no intention of creating fear, we do hope to inspire preparedness and help ensure the safety of every citizen.
Here are 4 simple steps you can take to get summer ready… for anything!
#1: Sign-Up For SCC Emergency Alerts: Be sure that you & those you love have signed up & verified your correct information is on file with Santa Clara County Emergency Alerts. Our region uses AlertSCC as a powerful mass notification system that will be used to send emergency information and instructions to anyone who lives or works in Santa Clara County. This includes evacuation information and notification of Public Safety Power Shut Offs (PSPS). Register here for AlertSCC and keep this map handy to view current outages.
#2: Take A Course: Did you know that the Santa Clara County offers FREE on-demand, in-person and virtual courses? Topics include life & fire safety, disaster preparedness, crime prevention & home fire safety as well as ‘SafeSitter’ and fire safety for young children. Explore all of the courses here.
#3: Check Your Supplies & Plan: Beyond changing those batteries in your smoke detector (ahem – let’s all get cracking on that!), have you taken inventory of your own emergency supplies, practiced your evacuation and/or disaster plan and updated your supply kit? Don’t forget to account for packing medications & pet supplies! This list of ‘10 Ways To Be Prepare’ from CalOES is a great start!
#4: Prepare To Protect Yourself From Smoke: It isn’t summer in California unless we talk about air quality. Sensitive groups are at particular risk from the effects of wildfire smoke, especially the elderly, children, those whom are pregnant or people with heart and respiratory conditions. Visit the California Air Resources Board on steps to take to be ‘Smoke Ready’ – including what types of masks to have on hand and what to look for when purchasing an in-home air purifier (look for a MERV 13+ air filter or CARB-certified air cleaner. Keep these links to AirNow, IQAir & PurpleAir in your bookmarks.
Now that you are ready for anything – we hope you get a chance to do everything on your summer fun list, even if that includes doing nothing at all. Whether your summer is unplugged, all planned out or a mix of work and play – we hope it is everything you want it to be and more.
All our best,
Mark Barber & Your HOSV Team